How would you reshape the energy industry using space technology? Spark your imagination and explore potential space solutions for energy challenges by submitting your entry for the ESA Technology Transfer Competition – three prizes are available with a total of €35,000. Join the workshop on 4 October at SBIC Noordwijk to develop your idea.

The ESA Technology Broker NL, managed by SBIC Noordwijk and NL Space Campus, has launched its 2023 technology transfer competition – with the theme Space for Energy – and is calling for new ideas to apply space technology on Earth. Ideas are welcomed that focus on hardware or software, potentially incorporating materials, methodologies, energy supply, propulsion, coatings, sensors, etc. Ideas should be applicable in the energy sector or at least have a link with energy efficiency. If you need inspiration in developing your idea for the competition, why not join the upcoming workshop?
Space for Energy Workshop
An ideation workshop for the 2023 ESA Technology Transfer Competition will be held on Wednesday 4 October at SBIC Noordwijk. Coach Derk Schneemann will guide participants to leverage the network of ESA Technology Brokers and dive into a repository of innovation challenges and technology requests related to energy. There will be an introduction by the broker Corneel Bogaert to explain all about the technology transfer competition. To register for this free workshop, go here or click the button.
Energy experts, space enthusiasts, serial entrepreneurs, or even a mixture of the aforementioned are all welcome to compete for the prizes. Cross-sector collaboration is highly encouraged. Attendance at the workshop is optional. For information on the evaluation criteria and the full list of terms and conditions, go here.