Assess the space connection of your business idea before applying to ESA BIC

by | Jul 23, 2024 | Commercialisation, ESA BIC, SBIC News

The Dutch business incubation centre of the European Space Agency (ESA BIC Noordwijk) has a permanent open call for anyone with a space related business idea to apply to take part in the programme. If you have an innovative solution and want to develop your product or service and thrive within a space market ecosystem, we need to hear from you well before the next selection deadline (there are two selections per year, in Spring and Fall). Prior to applying, we encourage you to follow some pre-steps in the process. Explaining the space link of your business idea is vital. An online form is available to help you assess the space connection. A summary of what to expect is highlighted in this article; the form itself has all the information and guidance listed.

light bulb appearing to launch like a rocket from a bed of cotton wool
Launch your space business idea with the help of ESA BIC Noordwijk and first assess the space link!

To be accepted for incubation in an ESA BIC, the applicant must present a business idea with a valid space connection. The new online form for applicants to ESA BIC Noordwijk provides a guideline. It will help all parties involved to assess the space connection of the business idea. The principle for assessment is based on the main characteristics of a valid space connection.

Making the space connection

You know your entrepreneurial idea better than anyone – and it is up to you to explain the space connection of your company’s business model. In some cases, it can be pretty clear what the space link is. This is especially true for those entrepreneurs concentrating on upstream technologies. However, it can be less clear for anyone building a business accessing everything that satellites are capable of achieving. For those looking to use space assets or resources for the development of downstream terrestrial applications, then just stating you will be “using Earth observation data” or “using satellite navigation” will not be sufficient. For a start, you cannot simply just collect data – you will need to carry out innovative processing of that data to give your solution its unique selling point. This is explained further below.

Explain the focus of your business idea’s space link: access the form by clicking here



If your idea is about exploiting new technology in the space domain, or you intend to be active as a supplier to the space sector, such as the design and manufacture of spacecraft systems, subsystems, components and services, it is important to identify the areas you intend to work in.

These include launchers, satellites, ground systems, human spaceflight or maybe something else entirely. You can detail this further in the form.

Contact with NSO

Everyone considering to join ESA BIC Noordwijk with an upstream idea must initially contact the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) prior to even starting the application process. You don’t need to do this before filling in the space connection form (but feel free if you wish to); either way, the SBIC team will be happy to connect you with the ESA BIC contact at NSO.


Earth observation from satellites

Downstream ideas can fall into two areas. The first area offers technology transfer innovations bringing space tech down to novel applications on Earth [hardware, software, knowledge/processes or intellectual property rights (IPR)].

The second area covers the use of space systems or technology in an application such as satellite navigation, Earth observation and/or satellite communication.


To assess the space connection for your downstream idea, you will need to supply further information. This can be explained fully by asking yourself the following three questions:

  • Why does your business idea “need” space?

Get to grips with the requirements of the product/service that you plan to bring to the market and to what degree both your own and any existing alternatives meet these requirements. You must explain why space provides a feasible solution to solve the problem your idea is addressing and why space offers an advantage (technical, cost or other) compared to non-space or existing solutions.

  • What does your space idea offer that is “more” than existing solutions?

Here, you need to share the unique nature of your specific innovation. The space aspect cannot be what is already commonly in use. For example, it is not enough to simply make use of (or re-package/reuse) space data. Some innovative step is expected so the data is being analysed or combined with other sources to generate new information, or that software or hardware is being integrated to provide a new technical solution.

  • To what extent is the space that your idea requires “available”?

Not everything in life is free and you need to consider any potential costs of utilising space in your solution and incorporate this into your business model. Data, services or products are often commercially available or even available for free, however – especially for IPR including technologies – it can happen that licences need to be negotiated. You need to make sure that the space you need is available in practice.

Assess your business idea’s space connection by filling in the online form: click to access

And that’s it! Thanks for considering the space connection. Please do read through the form to get the full information and guidance (this article is only a summary).

One step closer to ESA BIC

Remember those pre-steps that were mentioned back in the intro? Well, once you assess the space link, then you can tick one of the steps off the list. This process will help you really focus your mind in preparation for taking that next step to submit your application by the next selection deadline. Don’t delay in starting those preparations. Take heed from one of the recent startups to successfully get incubated at ESA BIC Noordwijk: “The process of applying takes more work than you might expect” (click for full interview). It’s never too early to kick-start the procedure. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to make contact with the SBIC team before you start.

Attend the info sessions & webinars for application tips: register via here

sunrise over the Earth's horizon as viewed from space

Three ways to improve your application to ESA BIC

ESA BIC 20 years powering entrepreneurship with space


You can apply to the Dutch business incubation programme of the European Space Agency, ESA BIC Noordwijk, if you are an entrepreneur or startup. The programme gives you the best chance of developing your space business idea via a well-established network and community in the heart of the Dutch space industry. You need to be resident in the Netherlands, with a company that is not yet founded or not older than 5 years. Then, the rest is up to you. Share your business proposal in the fall application round and you could be joining our space community soon. Follow the pre-steps before submitting your application by one of the two selection deadlines per year. Join for the next webinar to find out more.

Prepare your space business idea for lift off!

Discover everything you need to know about the ESA BIC Noordwijk programme.

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