According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, plant pests and diseases account for an estimated 30% of the global crop production losses around the world.
Lethal pests in high-value fruit tree plantations cause large production losses for farmers. Affected trees must be replaced by new plantings which only bear fruits after years. So it is very important to detect the presence of a pest in an early stage. These means can save the trees and keep them healthy.
Smart Farm Sensing developed AgrIOT, a wireless network of smart insect traps in plantations to detect the presence of pests in an early stage. It sends an alert to the farmer with directions using the geolocations of the traps. This solution empowers farmers to control threats by pests in near real-time and secure the production of their trees.
In the upcoming period Smart Farm Sensing will develop their product and finish their prototype smart insect trap within the ESA BIC to go to the market in the course of this year.
Currently Smart Farm Sensing consist of three team members, but they are growing. Have a look at their career opportunities to check if you can fit the team!