If any organisation is aware of the cloud and software requirements of space business startups, it is SkyLeague. Co-founder Alexander L. de Goeij shares insights of how the company can bolster the scalability and efficiencies of cloud for incubatees in the new role as community partner.
The challenges of space startups are aligned to solutions provided by cloud. Their need for scalability and adaptability, while ensuring that solutions are future proof is a key strength of cloud. A visit to SBIC Noordwijk this summer provided inspiration for the team to join up as a community partner.
What is at the heart of your business?

Our clients face complex business and IT challenges that require a team with a diverse skill set to solve. We focus on understanding the business model and unique environment of our clients before designing solutions. We combine architecture, software development and infrastructure skills to deliver end-to-end solutions, offering consulting and development support. Our team has experience of optimising processing and efficient storage of large datasets, while embedding artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in business flows and operational processes.
How can you help our community?
We aim for the partnership to benefit both parties. For us, hearing about the business challenges that the space entrepreneurs are facing is key, as we will then see how we can best support or provide solutions. We listen, discuss and then see how we can jointly solve the problem. Our skill set allows for fast development of scalable solutions to complex business problems. Using machine learning on the cloud, means the startups can first test and deploy smaller projects and then scale up. We can combine data infrastructure with machine learning services for streaming AI architectures.
What approach do you and your team take?
The fact that our team has a diverse range of backgrounds – from academia, business and consulting in the fields of software engineering, mathematics, machine learning and biochemistry – means our approach to algorithmic and data complexities is unique and we can come at each project from different perspectives.
What recent developments in your company will benefit the SBIC community partnership?
Our partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) allows us to provide easier access to Subject Matter Experts, workshops and project funding. We can offer architecture and infrastructure consulting, or help deploying startup-focused AWS cloud environments and support the startup team to get up and running.
What draws you to our space community?
We have cross-industry experience, including a particular draw to the space industry. Being equipped to deal with complex algorithmic and data challenges is vital for the requirements of, for instance, Earth observation studies. At the same time, we have the know-how in advanced modelling power and cloud development skills that will be relevant as the startups develop to progress and scaleup their successful space businesses.
What aspect of space excites the SkyLeague crew?
We’re really excited to hear what the SBIC startups are developing and how we can accelerate them with our experience and expertise. We feel aerospace is again driving progress and innovation in all other industries and like to contribute to it.

What’s the first step for our startups to reach out?
Accessibility is key and we are happy for them to reach out to us any which way they feel happy to – whether it is dropping a quick question in the dedicated “cloud questions” Slack channel, sending an email to space@skyleague.io, having an informal chat at one of the networking events or arranging a one-on-one meeting at SBIC. I’ll meet you by the satellite!
Email: a.l.degoeij@skyleague.io
Phone: +31 625453962
Website: skyleague.io
We can confirm that having a chat by the satellite at SBIC Noordwijk is a great way to get to know SkyLeague – pictured during the recent Network & Drinks community event.
The ESA BIC Noordwijk incubatees have a personal introduction from SkyLeague during the info session on December 13 to discover sustainable cloud solutions available for space business startups.
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[Skyleague stopped as a partner of SBIC in July 2024]