Three ways to improve your application to an ESA BIC programme

by | Mar 1, 2024 | Commercialisation, ESA BIC, SBIC News

The European Space Agency’s Dutch business incubation centre (ESA BIC Noordwijk) runs a permanent open call, which means you can submit an application at any time of year and the team is always here to discuss your business idea with you. Entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds, not only the tech industry, are made aware that the process of applying is extensive – and, of course, there’s a good reason for that. It will only be the most thought out or “mature” ideas that go on to be selected for incubation. We are here to offer tips on successfully submitting your application in time for the spring or the fall selection campaigns for the ESA BIC open call. Join the upcoming info sessions in advance of the deadlines.

space satellite rendering with a backdrop showing the curvature of the Earth with reflection in the panels on a banner sharing tips to improve applications for the business incubation programme of the European Space Agency
Launch your space business idea in 2024 with the help of ESA BIC Noordwijk

Yes, you can submit your application at any time but there are only two specific selection periods (one in spring, one in fall) when all the applications are compiled and the relevant experts from ESA, the Netherlands Space Office, various partners and the SBIC Noordwijk team assemble to assess the submissions. That’s why we run the various info sessions – keep an eye on this page for the dates of future webinars – in the lead up to the deadlines, where we offer guidance (for free) to anyone interested in the programme.

Click to download the documents to start preparing your application for ESA BIC in 2024

And did you know: If your application is not successful in the first round of 2024 because, perhaps, your business proposal needs further validation, then you always have the option to join the summer pre-incubation at the Ignition Programme before applying to ESA BIC in the second round of 2024.

But before you even think about failing at the first hurdle, let’s get you up-to-speed to succeed!

The three main reasons why applications do not get selected are: only having a moderate market validation; no clear space connection; and a lack of research on technical feasibility. So, here, we are spilling the beans and sharing with you three key ways to improve your application to allow yourself the best chance to succeed first time.

1. From moderate to masterful market validation

Is there a need for the solution your business offers? This needs to be researched and that means researched thoroughly – more than just by getting out of the building and asking a few people. Think about researching market coverage, customer sections and analysing how your sector works. Are there specific conditions to enter the market? Is it sensitive to cultural trends?

It is also recommended to mention possible bumps in the road. What external factors could possibly hold you down? Why wouldn’t a customer choose your product or solution? This way, you will show you have really thought things through.

2. Describe the space connection in detail

In some cases, it can be pretty clear what the space link is, especially for those entrepreneurs concentrating on upstream technologies, such as the design and manufacture of spacecraft systems, subsystems and components, or for those offering technology transfer innovations bringing space tech down to novel applications on Earth. However, for anyone building a business accessing everything that satellites are capable of achieving and looking to use space assets or resources for the development of downstream terrestrial applications, then just stating you will be “using Earth observation data” or “using satellite navigation” just doesn’t cut it.

The application is about going into detail. What technologies are you going to use exactly? And why? The more in depth people can describe this and explain your reasoning, the better the chances of entering the ESA BIC Noordwijk programme.

Click here to assess your business idea’s space connection

3. Research your technical feasibility

So your idea is validated – that’s great. You have the space connection covered – perfect. Now, it is time to think about the feasibility – is your idea technically possible in the first place?

This needs to be checked thoroughly. Sometimes, you don’t know yet or you’re not sure if your company can create it – and we get that. We don’t need all the answers at the application stage – but you at least show evidence that you have talked to the right people who could help you or indicate credible sources of research. If there are technical skills lacking in your current team to realise your innovation, how are you going to fill that gap and what is your timeline during incubation? You need to show your first steps to feasibility and sharing your vision on the use of future technologies is highly recommended. This is commonly lacking information in the applications.

This is an edited version of an earlier article on the SBIC website here.

Prepare your space business idea for lift off!

Financial support (€60K zero-equity funding) from the European Space Agency, under the authorisation of the Netherlands Space Office to help launch your space business.

Validate your business plan and space connection!

Refine and validate your space business idea via our pre-incubation trajectory. The summer Ignition Programme takes place at SBIC & prepares you to apply to ESA BIC.

The Dutch business incubation programme of the European Space Agency, ESA BIC Noordwijk, runs an open call for startups to apply to join as an ESA BIC incubatee and reap the benefit that brings – funding, plus technical and business support – as well as being part of our community at SBIC Noordwijk. In this programme, entrepreneurs work with upstream space tech or space related technologies to create impact on Earth. There are two selection rounds per year; in spring (March) & fall (October). Full detail at:

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