The ESA Commercialisation Gateway announced the Earth observation (EO) and climate initiatives focus of ESA’s 2nd EO Commercialisation Forum. The event takes place on 27 and 28 November in Frankfurt, Germany. There is an call for entrepreneurs to join the ESA CommEO Award and boost their business’ visibility within the EO market. Startups can enter for the award until 7 November. Details available here.

Event scope
Organised by ESA’s Earth Observation Programme (EOP) and Commercialisation, Industry and Competitiveness (CIC) Directorates, the ESA EO Commercialisation Forum (ESA CommEO) brings together stakeholders from the EO industry, including start-ups, businesses, policymakers and investors to discuss opportunities, challenges and strategies to expand the commercial use of EO data and services.
Being held from 27 to 28 November 2024 at KAP Europa (Frankfurt, Germany), the second edition of the event will be at the intersection of Earth, climate initiatives and EO commercialisation, with the underlying theme of “Addressing climate challenges and opportunities with Earth observation for human and planet prosperity.” Aligning with the ESA Agenda 2025 framework, it will highlight the importance of strengthening the European competitiveness by involving all its stakeholders and boosting commercialisation for a green and digital Europe.
Click for the 1st forum report and the 2023 ESA CommEO Award winners
Award submission deadline

At the 2024 event, an ESA CommEO Award will be presented, once again rewarding the best pitches for innovative commercialisation plans for EO products and/or services.
ESA will identify the three startups that demonstrate the most promising ideas in their pitches. Selected startups will receive tailored support to amplify their presence in the EO market and facilitate connections with potential investors and industrial partners, advancing their development and impact within the EO sector.
Proposed ideas should be at the intersection of “Earth and climate initiatives” and “EO commercialisation” – areas of focus include agriculture, decarbonisation and green finance. Entrepreneurs that wish to apply for the CommEO Award must do so by 7 November following the criteria described on the event website section.
The event is organised by ESA, supported by the German Space Agency at DLR
This is an edited version of the post on the ESA Commercialisation Gateway website.