ESA BIC 2025: Get Your Questions Answered
Thanks for your interest in ESA BIC Noordwijk. Discover what it really means to participate in the business incubation centre of the European Space Agency (ESA BIC) by joining the info sessions.
Register for upcoming ESA BIC webinars
We offer regular info sessions in the lead up to the ESA BIC selection deadlines. These can take the form of online webinars and in-person meet-and-great sessions, as outlined on our ESA BIC Open House page. Maybe you already joined previous webinars and still have questions. Maybe you have considered applying to ESA BIC previously but are looking for that extra push to make 2025 the year that you submit your application. We are here to help you prepare and we now investigate whether an exclusive webinar where we answer the questions that YOU want answeing, will be just what is needed. For that, we welcome your input. Please submit information via the form below.
If you cannot see the “submit” button, just hover where you think it should be (after the “Any other comments” box) and the “hand” symbol will show; click & the form will be submitted.* Thank you!
[*If the form doesn’t show correctly or there is no “submit” button visible and you can’t see the “hand” symbol, you could try the MS Edge browser (the form glitches in other browsers). Message us if the problem persists.]
You might also like: Join the Pre-Incubation Programme
While you are on the road to improving/developing your space related commercial idea and launching your space business, don’t miss your chance to get that one step closer by joining the SBIC pre-incubation Ignition Programme (held early summer in May)! If you already have a validated idea, apply to ESA BIC (two selection deadlines per year).