ESA BIC 2025: Open House Sessions

Thanks for your interest in ESA BIC Noordwijk. Discover what it really means to participate in the business incubation centre of the European Space Agency (ESA BIC) by visiting us at SBIC.

Next ESA BIC Info Session (webinar) now open for bookings

The ESA BIC Open House sessions complement the ESA BIC online webinars starting at 15:00 for the Spring 2025 deadline:

  • Tue 11 Feb: General Introduction Info Session (Webinar) | Register here
  • Fri 28 Feb: Application Tips & Tricks Info Session (Webinar) (registration opens soon)

Sign up here to be receive any mailings that a focused on ESA BIC (tip: tick the ESA BIC checkbox).

    Register for the upcoming Open House sessions

    Join for the next ESA BIC Open House events in the lead-up to the Spring 2025 deadline (on 6 Mar) and you can have the chance to discuss the programme in-person. Hear about the first-hand experience from current startups and take this opportunities to ask any questions from our team. Those people who attend in-person can then stay and join the webinar in the Media Room at SBIC Noordwijk.

    Register via the form below for the ESA BIC Open House sessions (and community lunch if you like). If you cannot see the “submit” button, just hover where you think it should be and the “hand” symbol will show; click & the form will be submitted.* If you book and then cannot attend in the end, please let us know asap by sending an email. Thank you!

    [*If the form doesn’t show correctly or there is no “submit” button visible for you after the “Any other comments” box, you could try the MS Edge browser, as this form occasionally has glitches in the Chrome browser. Message us if the problem persists.]

    ESA BIC Open House Interest Form



    You might also like: NL Space Campus Networking & Drinks at SBIC

    Another opportunity to meet up with ESA BIC incubatees and those in the space business community is by joining the (free) NL Space Campus Network & Drinks (N&D) at SBIC Noordwijk, which generally takes place on the last Thursday of the month (except Jan/Jul/Aug/Sep/Dec). Register via the NL Space Campus website or keep an eye on our events page. We look forward to seeing you by the satellite in the atrium and, while you are at SBIC, you are welcome to visit the Spark Hub!