ESA BIC Noordwijk alumnus Lens R&D has multiple sensors on the recently launched Proba-3’s twin platforms. The BiSon64-ET Sunsensors will be used by the spacecraft as navigational instruments.
20 years of ESA BIC: Blackshore’s Earth mapping solutions used for climate impact monitoring and food security
ESA BIC Noordwijk alumnus Blackshore’s geospatial products based on crowd-sourced interpretation of satellite imagery are used for climate impact monitoring, etc. Read the interview as part of #20yearsESABIC.
Dutch space innovation at Space Tech Expo Europe in Bremen
Space Tech Expo Europe is the annual event when space professionals descend on Bremen for product launches and new collaboration announcements, as well as the key side-event of Connecting the Curious.
Skytree’s technology at core of world’s first direct air capture hub powered entirely by wind energy
ESA BIC Noordwijk alumnus Skytree is the technology provider for the world’s first 100% wind-powered direct air capture (DAC) hub, with a collaboration that could lead to more carbon removal projects.
Arceon’s ceramic composites launched to space as part of Europe Material Ageing campaign
ESA BIC Noordwijk alumnus Arceon sees its ceramic matrix composite launched into space as part of the Europe Material Ageing campaign, which is a collaboration between ESA and the French Space Agency (CNES).
20 years of ESA BIC: Entrepreneurship in space requires many talents
The European Space Agency’s business incubator network – ESA BIC – is celebrating its first 20 years in 2024. NSO chatted to a number of ESA BIC Noordwijk alumni about the programme. Read an extract of the interviews (#20yearsESABIC).