The objective of this Open Call is to finance Technology Transfer Feasibility Studies and Proof of Concepts in order to prove the relevance of a technology for another fields. As well as reduce the technical risk and confirm the market opportunity. Through this Call, the ESA invites Tenderers to submit proposals for feasibility studies and proof of concepts regarding the transfer of a space technology into a non-space application.
The FEASIBILITY STUDIES (FS) aim at assessing the feasibility of the adaptation and the use of a space technology to another field of application. The FS shall encompass the technical risks, identify user requirements, study the market and develop an operational plan towards a successful technology transfer.
1 Month FS projects will be funded up to a maximum of 10k €.
The PROOF OF CONCEPT (PoC) is directed to demonstrate to a user that the space heritage meets their main functional and technical requirements by building a breadboard.
6 Month PoC may be funded up to a maximum of 50k €.
The deadline for submissions is April 16th – 13:00 (CET). The details of the call are available on EMITS ( AO9760 ) and for more info contact Martijn Leinweber.