Accelerate your satnav business in the Venture Academy GNSS track

by | Jan 18, 2022 | Satellite Navigation, SBIC News, Workshops

SBIC Noordwijk teams up once more with PLNT Leiden’s Venture Academy – a local startup accelerator programme – to host a specialised Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) track.

The Venture Academy is a 3-month accelerator programme, aimed at entrepreneurs who want to develop their team and prepare for funding. To those who have a startup working with satellite navigation data and/or satellite communication, SBIC Noordwijk will host 4 specialised workshops within that programme.

The GNSS track consists of the following workshops, held by the E-GNSS Centre of Excellence:

GNSS technical background – March 25
In this first workshop you will learn the technical basics of GNSS. We’ll explore both the space and ground segment of satellite navigation. We’ll go through several user equipment (receivers) including augmentation systems such as EGNOS – which is used in air traffic management and aircraft navigation.

GNSS applications – April 22
Let’s dive into the real life uses and possibilities of GNSS. Also we’ll address some vulnerabilities. For instance, we’ll discuss the signal visibility and interferences by multipath and RFI including jamming, spoofing and space weather.

Galileo special services – May 20
Europe’s GNSS, Galileo, has several special services. For instance we’ll explain Galileo’s PRS (public regulation service), an encrypted navigation service to resist jamming and spoofing. We’ll talk about Galileo’s High Accuracy Service (HAS) and their Precise Timing Facility (PTF).

GNSS data and funding possibilities June 3
In order to grow your satnav and/or satcom business, you’ll need to know how to support it. Learn how to get access to GNSS data and learn about the funding schemes to power your GNSS startup.

You can apply for these workshops separately as well – more info on that will be provided later. The deadline to apply for PLNT Leiden’s Venture Academy with GNSS track, is February 13.

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