The ESA Technology Broker for the Netherlands is jointly operated by SBIC Noordwijk and NL Space Campus.
The brokerage operates using a combination of market pull and technology push to find the optimum solution to your problem. Via the broker website, be sure to watch out for open calls and technology transfer competitions that aim to accelerate the technology integration and product development process.You can get notified of updates via email (click check box).
The ESA Technology Broker process
In September 2022, SBIC Noordwijk and NL Space Campus jointly began operating the ESA Technology Broker for the Netherlands to facilitate technology transfer solutions. The broker acts as the intermediary partner to stimulate collaboration between the space and non-space industries. The first objective of the brokerage is to solve industrial challenges using innovative and advanced space technology. The second is to support companies to bring their terrestrial innovations into the space domain. As broker we provide:
Technology scouting
Brokering introductions to potential collaborators and clients
Business support and coaching
Technical feasibility and market analysis
Guidance and support on funding opportunities
You can get in touch to share your technology need or innovation challenge.
The broker website has all the news, success stories and technologies.
From space to Earth and back
Space brings benefits to Earth in form of services and top-class science. This makes space an industrial sector of high strategic and economic value. To further increase the return of investment in space, a network of Technology Brokers has been created by the European Space Agency to exploit space technology or utilise space systems in non-space markets.
Find success stories of technology transfer from space.

Matching the needs of non-space industries
Over the years, the broker network developed a market led approach targeting specific non-space industries, assessing the challenges of companies, and subsequently matching these with technologies, know-how, and other competencies. In the Netherlands, linking space solutions to industrial challenges is of particular interest in the following four sectors with a high socio-economic impact:

Tap into the realm of space technology
The transfer of space technologies brings real benefits to people on Earth. Space-derived materials, methods and software turn up in everything from medical devices and sporting equipment to purification systems and quality control. As technology broker, we work to identify promising ideas and support space companies to explore new markets for their intellectual property.
Many of the highly sophisticated technologies and applications developed for Europe’s space endeavours result in intellectual property (IP). A lot of this IP owned by ESA also has significant commercial potential for non-space applications. The ESA patent portfolio and the European Space Software Repository (ESSR) contains a list of technology descriptions and software, including innovation advantages and suggested market applications.

Novelty of the idea
What is the innovation involved in this space technology solution?

Business potential
Realisation potential for the proposed idea.

Societal impact
Benefit in terms of socio-economic impact of the application on Earth.
Got a real-world problem that needs a solution? Maybe space tech can help…
Connect your business!
Book a meeting to discuss all matters relating to the broker.